After an initial kickoff with BCG’s editorial team, where we met with the key stakeholders to gain a better understanding of the issue and what priorities/limitations are, our team began a deep dive into the clients brand guidelines and started initial research. This included developing an understanding of how the BCG audience views the content on the page, what they click on, where they get stuck etc. (information provided by BCG development team). At the same time a moodboard was compiled to convey the general look and feel and concept that would inform how users interact with the page.
Once general concept was agreed upon the team began a deep dive on how to best visualize the data and key information looking at inspiration from news outlets and other interactive articles. Low fidelity wireframes were constructed and presented to BCG’s Editorial and Developer teams for user feedback. From this new solutions were created and the project was ready for design stage. After final approval designs and necessary design files/images were handed off to the BCG developer team. Progress was monitored through a staging site and Q+A’d during the development process.
After launch, site was monitored and user behavior was recorded for future projects.
Understanding the audience base was an important part of this project. Knowing that we were targeting business leaders with limited time, priorities were set on condensing information, allowing users to explore on their time. The dense information was contained within this narrative of positivity towards the future so it was also key to show this sense of time line throughout the page.
Key points:
Used an expanding circle visual to highlight the micro and macro of the problem.
Created a series of interactive modules that used tabbed navigation to condense information at the users will
Implemented a contact button that invited audience to talk and potentially use BCG for future projects
Embedded new and existing video to highlight key points
Used scroll animation to create interest and hold audiences attention
Through these improvements this site saw improved scroll through rates and click throughs on interactive modules.
Below is a series of work from previous clients.
To view project hover over the card and click.