Health-e Commerce
The Challenge
Implement new branding across site
Make improvements to sites visual hierarchy, information architecture, and imagery
Improve accessibility standards - WCAG 2.0
Create Blog pages to improve SEO
Meeting the Audiences Needs
After talks with the Health-e Commerce development team and testing their site on our end. We conducted a user survey to see if our problem areas matched the users frustrations. The survey consisted of various questions to gain a better understanding of how the user interacted with the site.
From this we discovered that we were dealing with an vast audience. Most customers fell within the 26-60 year old range, all generally working professionals. Brand awareness at this time was low, as it seemed that many people did not know the benefits of owning a HSA or FSA account.
From all this it was clear that the site had a few areas that needed to be addressed:
Navigation and search filtering
Checkout experience
Blog + learning center creation
Incorporate newer UX principles/best practices
Optimizing the Navigation
One of the major areas of the site that needed attention was the sites main navigation. The old version felt barren, putting the expectation that the user knows exactly what they need with no assistance on how to get there other than the search bar. By adding a sub-navigation below the search that links to a range of categories. we provide the user multiple paths to find what it is that they need. Where as before the user had to search for the exact product they want , they know are able to find a variety of products that will help them solve their needs.
During the wireframe process it became clear that we needed to find a way for users to easily transition between the suite of Health-e commerce's sites (FSA Store/HSA Store Optical). As some accounts only work on their corresponding accounts, we wanted to give the user the ability to make a quick switch without having to type in a new address. Making the transition smooth and easy helps keep the user in the same buyer mindset and deters them from abandoning their search altogether.
Sketches showing exploration of Navigation updates and thought process
Wireframe for eary nav iteration
Showing the before and after - dividing the nav into clearer sub-sections made it easier for users to find what they need
On collection and search pages of the earlier site, we found pages to be cluttered and littered with information. Product cards were small, Images were tiny and hard to make out, an. It was our goal to make these pages easier to scan and find what the user needed. We placed more emphasis on the product cards, Increasing photo size and product name. We enabled the filter bar to be collapsed when needed, creating more space for product cards in a row, overall reducing the amount of scrolling on the page.
Comparison of bundle pages before/after - Right side prioritizes product imagery and amount of products shown
Improving Brand awareness
Knowing thar their audience may not know the full benefits of their accounts, it was important for Health-e Commerce to educate them. When a customer has a the ability to learn form the company, it leads to increased brand trust.
Creating a simple blog/learning center pages allowed the Health-e Commerce to promote and educate their customers on their product offerings while generating more links to their site, generating a higher SEO value and increasing brand awareness.
Blog pages - helped educate users while increasing SEO and gave Health-e Commerce the opportunity to market products
Solution & Results
Below is a series of work from previous clients.
To view project hover over the card and click.