Kelsey Smith
The Challenge
Create new look and feel
Create site with templated project pages
Use WordPress + Semplice to develop site
Capturing the essence
An assortment of created pages.
Inspired by maximalist design standards, project thumbnails feature Bold typography with vibrant imagery, and clear structuring.
Portfolio PAge
With the portfolio pages I wanted to immerse the audience in her work. The user is immediately introduced to her world with a animated full screen cover image. As the user scrolls down, the remaining content is broken into two columns. The left side features film stills of the project, while the right side features an I frame of the video and credits to the cast and crew. The use of the film stills allows the user the chance to quickly browse through a project and get a sense of the concept and context without having to watch the full video. At the bottom of each page is a "more projects" module that links to other projects on the site . Ensuring that their journey doesn't stop there.
The full screen cover image provides visual interest and gives context to the project.
Showing the transition from wireframe to final product.
A comparison of the two project thumbnails. Left side is more broken out adding more context. Right side features an animated gif to lure the viewer in.
Solution & Results
Below is a series of work from previous clients.
To view project hover over the card and click.